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Observe Birds on Early Morning Guided Walks

If you are an early bird and want to see, hear and identify birds, our morning guided walks are just for you. Your opportunity to see the largest variety of birds is during peak migration season, March through May. And don’t forget your binoculars, if you have them. We'll share some of ours, if you don't. 

The PAC sponsors a number of bird walks, especially during the spring and fall migration seasons. Leading these walks are experts from area bird conservation organization as well as our own birding expert, Jeff Wade. Supporting organizations include Chicago Ornithological Society, Red Hill Birding, and McHenry County Audubon Society.

On one of last season's spring walks, birders saw 57 different species, including some not yet recorded in the preserve. These included Orchard Orioles and Bay-breasted Warblers. We also have nesting Green Herons, Eastern Bluebirds and Northern Flickers (among others) l. To keep up with the latest observations in the preserve, see the “Hotspot” listing on Here’s the link:

For more information, contact Jeff Wade at

Great Blue Heron

Eastern Kingbird

Indigo Bunting

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